California Republican Party Organizational Structure
(Structure specific to California only)
A Precinct Leader is an Active Player in all levels of local, state, and federal caucuses and conventions. You can have a tremendous influence on the adoption of the Party platform, policies, support of or opposition to issues, and candidate selection. Be a Patriot Precinct Leader!

Links & Resources

California Republican Assembly, do not underestimate the power of local chapters, city charters, supervisorial boards, school boards etc. Join the CRA and let's flood them with PATRIOTS! Join a local or chapter closest to you. This is for serious patriots. Politics is a marathon, there are no overnight miracles, BUT WE AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE!

Find your local precinct map to see which local blocks to recruit your neighbors and other patriots into an information tight knit group to control your voting block! Block by block, city by city, county by county...it starts at the ground up! IT STARTS WITH YOU!