Why You Should Get Involved?

California Conservative Patriots are motivated and more determined than ever to make our state and country stronger by:
Developing our neighborhoods into conservative strongholds
Supporting the America First movement of President Trump
Electing Conservative, Trump endorsed candidates who represent our values
Fixing the voter and election process to ensure fair, transparent elections
Reach out to fellow Conservatives in our neighborhoods
Educating our Conservative neighbors so they can be Informed Voters
Bridging the disconnect existing between the Grassroot Patriots and the CA Republican Party
With President Trump’s leadership, we can make a unified Republican Party a reality. And we have big plans to Fix it Together – The Patriot Precincts Project.
NOW is the perfect time for Patriots to get active to save our country and our state. But some time and effort, block by block, WE can do it. We want to spread the word and bring you on Board ASAP!
Save California from the leftist laws coming from Sacramento
Support the America First agenda of our true Republican Leader, PRESIDENT TRUMP
Get to know, engage, and activate your Conservative Republican neighbors
We are Grassroots and Republican elected officials, working together to rescue CA. We are dedicated, no nonsense, Trump Patriots and Conservative Republicans that recognize street rallies aren’t enough. Volunteer Activation is needed to change our state, precinct by precinct.
What You Can Do Now?
Find Your Precinct
Find your County’s Registrar of Voters website. Find your Precinct Number and Assembly District.
For example, If you are in LA County, go to lavote.net. If in Orange County, go to ocvote.net If you are outside of Lost Angeles County, you will have to do more research online to find your Voter Information from your county registrar's office.
Get a copy of your Precinct List (outside of LA County)​
Contact your County GOP party, GOP Assembly District or local Supervisor’s District office and ask for a copy of your Precinct “contact” List. Inform them that you are a Volunteer and ready to work your precinct.
Educate yourself. Learn the meaning of the important symbols and codes on the Precinct list. For example: R (Republican), DS (Decline to State), NPP (No Party Preference), D (DemoncRAT).
Meet your local Conservative Republican or DS Neighbors
With the Precinct List in hand, start with your own block. Find your local allies. Take your time. Introduce yourself as a fellow Conservative Republican in the neighborhood.
Give them your contact information immediately.
Start the conversation very casually…”I really want to meet like-ˇminded people in the area so we can support each other with community concerns”. Or more generally, “I really like your flag…or “Did your kids go to (neighborhood school)’…or “Did you hear…”
Develop a Relationship with your Conservative Republican neighbors
Republicans like knowing they are NOT alone in the neighborhood. Encourage them to communicate with you regarding their concerns and interests. Be a sounding board.
When you have established familiarity with your neighbors, host regular get togethers at your supporter’s houses, at the park, at a local eatery, etc.
Make certain you have EVERYONE’s contact data.
Be consistent and Make it FUN!
Create an online TELEGRAM App Account for your Patriot Precinct
Why Telegram? Because it is the most secure and effective way to stay in touch
This will be the first step to formalizing your group. With this tool you can communicate in real time, especially with urgent messages or action alerts.
By now, you will have identified your biggest supporter(s) in the neighborhood. They are the ones as excited and “ready to go’ as you are.
Start to delegate some of your tasks, like managing the Telegram account.
Unite your Voice (VOTE)
As the Patriot Republican Precinct Leader, please stay informed with the state of your city and county.
Be aware of who your City Council members are, especially your City District.
Learn who your State Representatives are: Assembly, Senate, Congress
And if you have children, knowing who your School Board members are is critical.
But most importantly, be aware of the urgent issues of your neighborhood and city, particularly laws that directly affect you and your neighbors.
During Election cycles, review candidate platforms and UNITE in supporting the conservative candidate.
Vocally support your conservative advocacies by attending City Council meetings regularly. Encourage your Precinct patriots to join you.
Expand and Invite
Help expand this effort by telling Patriots in other Precincts about the website and how to GET STARTED. Share the website and Telegram link to as many Patriot Groups you know and encounter. website: patriotprecincts.com
Visit the EVENTS Page Often
The Events page will have event flyers and announcements related to training and other pertinent meetings or events. Photos of Precinct activities will also be uploaded to the page.
Register your Precinct on the Official Website (PatriotPrecincts.com)
Email us your Precinct Leader Contact Info, Precinct #, and Telegram Group link.
This allows us to support your Precinct with our accessible resources, to vet any Trolls and to streamline any urgent communication. Organization is Key to our effort in Making California. website: patriotprecincts.com
Conservative Again. Take CA Back one block, one precinct, one county at a time!